Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter „PP”) sets forth the principles under which personal data obtained from Users using the websites (hereinafter „Services”) of the Blackenvelope – brand owned by Business Development Services Management Bartosz Glanowski, headquartered in Krakow, Poland, are processed and protected. For the purposes of the PP, a „User” is understood as a natural person using the Service.

Principles of Collection, Processing, and Delegation of User Personal Data

We inform you, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of May 10, 2018 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1781) as amended (hereinafter „the Act”), that the administrator of the personal data provided by the User during the use of the Services is the Business Development Services Management Bartosz Glanowski (hereinafter „the Company”). The collected data are used solely for the purpose of providing the services selected by the User, responding to inquiries, for marketing purposes, or for purposes specified in separate agreements or regulations accepted by the User.

The User consents to the processing of personal data by checking the appropriate boxes while filling out forms or following other procedures. The declaration of consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked by the User at any time.

The provision of data marked as required in the Service is voluntary but necessary to provide services.

The processing of personal data or other User data may be entrusted to another entity only based on the consent given by the User, in accordance with the Act. The delegation of the processing of personal data or other User data to other entities providing services directly to the Company is based on a written agreement concluded in accordance with the Act.

The personal data and other data of Users collected through the Services by the Company will not be disclosed or transferred to any other persons or institutions, except as provided in the previous paragraph or in situations required by universally applicable laws or in the case of a relevant agreement guaranteeing the protection of the User’s rights and privacy.

User Rights and Obligations

Each User has the right to access, rectify, or update the content of their personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Changes or updates to personal data should be made by the User in a manner consistent with the Service’s requirements.

The deletion of the User’s personal data from the database is carried out by the Company upon the User’s request or based on the provisions of the Act.

In case of a violation of the Service’s regulations or services or legal provisions by the User, the Company has the right to refuse the deletion of data necessary to explain the circumstances of the violation and to determine the User’s responsibility.

The User is responsible for placing the personal data of other persons on the Service and may do so only under the condition of not violating universally applicable laws and the personal rights of these persons.

The use of data and content provided by Service users by the User is permitted only in connection with the use of the Service, with the consent of other users, and in accordance with universally applicable laws. The use of data or content beyond the use of the Service is possible only with the User’s consent.

Sending Commercial and Marketing Information

The Company has the right to send commercial or marketing information to the User if they have consented to receive it. Consent to receive such information can be revoked at any time.

Information on Cookies

These are small pieces of information, called cookies, which are sent by the Service and stored on the end device (e.g., computer, laptop, smartphone) used by us. With the help of Cookies, we can more precisely determine the individual needs of the User by offering better services tailored to their needs.

The User may not consent to the placement of Cookies on their end device. To do this, one should use the option to disable the download and storage of Cookies in the web browser. 

The Company is not responsible for the loss of the ability to use certain functionalities of the Service caused by the removal of Cookies.

Blackenvelope all rights reserved 2024